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‏a wife and a maid at the same time

“A Contract Without Feelings… or the Start of an Unexpected Love Story?”As her noble family falls into ruin, a young woman finds herself forced to work tirelessly just to sustain their livelihood, resigning herself to a lifelong existence as a machine, working until her very last day. She never imagined her fate could change—until she receives a sudden marriage proposal from a man belonging to one of the most prestigious ducal families.Shocked at first, she quickly realizes that this marriage is not about love—it’s merely a “white marriage”, with no emotional obligations. Her future husband, known for his cold demeanor and disinterest in romance, was looking for a partner who wouldn’t grow attached or try to tie him down, and he saw her as the perfect choice for this role.But before accepting, she sets a condition—one that was completely unexpected and might just change everything between them.What began as a loveless contract may soon turn into something deeper than either of them ever anticipated…

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11 Chapters

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